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January 16, 2017 tuck

Ageless Quality & Design

Collectors may wonder how we know the age and background of the silks and other fabrics we use.

Almost every fabric we have collected comes with labels and/or woven in markings that allow us to approximate the date, prefecture of origin and manufacturer. As well, the labels provide the sign-off marks from the specific inspectors who work under the strict guidelines of the textile guilds.

Most of the textiles we use are 50,70, 100 years old or even older, but are hand selected and of impeccable quality. Many of the silks, techniques or artisans are considered national treasures by the Japanese government. Therefore, when you buy an LTK Brand bow tie, pocket square or scarf, you are buying a piece of history, each a treasure unto its own.

Rare, Highly Limited Quantities, Some One-Of-A-Kind…

All LTK Brand items are chosen for their aesthetic appeal, their timeless design, and their quality value as individual works of art. They are collectible for their historical and artistic value and also for their rarity as tie and square quantities are less than 10 of any one fabric. Scarves are limited to one or possibly two only.

Below, a few of our products that are great examples of the finest craftsmanship in Japanese silk.

matsuri pattern bow tieFestival pattern Japanese silk pocket squareOshima Tsumugi silk pocket squareTsumugi geometric abstract bow tie






